setttling into temporary housing
With the cat's sufficiently drugged up, so I thought, I took off for Charlotte with my car weighted down to capacity with only a little room for the cats. They managed to climb me like a tree for the entire 5 hour drive and had to explore every inch of the car despite their unsteady footing, elevated third eye lids, and drooling mouths thanks to the sedation they were given. At one point, Abby fell asleep on my lap with her tongue sticking WAY out. I wish I could have taken a picture.
As you can see, they were feeling plenty awake enough to explore the apt and the third story balcony. I think Jack would jump up on the railing if it wasn't for me babysitting him. He tried a couple of times, but I am not up for a trip to the ER.Our living room.... the apt was comletely furnished, washer and dryer included!
The office...which hasn't been much of an office since it has been like pulling teeth to get the internet to work. But we are working to make it feel like "home" at least for now.
looks like you are settling in. thanks for the updates.
Hadn't heard that you were moving?
The new digs look nice. Are you in NC for a while now?
Yes, we hope to set down some roots here. Should be here for awhile. And visitors are always welcome.
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