Monday, July 28, 2008

When Mom is home sick...

When mom is home sick from work, this is the true story of a pet's life! Its a hard one, huh? But I guess when you are home sick, it is nice to have lazy pets. They don't require much from you except a good place to sleep.

They'll be in for a rude awakening when kids join the picture!

Mom- Jack really likes the new blanket you made us!

Maggie dreaming of the dog park and wondering why mom is so lazy. But she handles this life of boredom quite well.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Matt's newest addition to his office. He is taking a test to get his PE (Professional Engineers License) and with that comes hours of studying. He needed a drafting table to help him with his studies...and well he got this one for free and it is working out perfectly. He even has a study partner that equally is enjoying the new addition.

Maggie at the dog park

I know we haven't posted in forever and that has much to do to our busy lives and many other circumstances that have left us MIA. Maggie is getting bigger and nearly full grown. Her favorite past time is going to the dog park that is located a couple miles from our house.

Her and her friends...

She has discovered water and that she loves not only swimming in the pool but rolling in the mud afterwards. It makes for a wonderful time at the park... for all involved/

Maggie and her friend Darla swimming together. It is her turf where she doesn't have rules and can just play.


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