Saturday, December 30, 2006

DiMarco Christmas Pics

Well I made it home for Christmas, thank you for all your prayers and support of Audrey while I have been away, and I am sure we will appreciate them in the next 5 months as well! We had a great Christmas at my parent's house in Denton, TX, after an 1100 mi. road trip (which is one of our favorite vacation activities next to sleeping). It was great to catch up with old friends and family and see what is happening back in the real world.

On to the fun stuff -

We enjoyed opening presents with my parents and my sister Annie, and of course my parents' cockatoo, Baby. Baby had more fun with the wrapping than any of us did.

Audrey got her Christmas wish...the additional band to her wedding ring. pictures do it no justice but here is one just to give you an idea. And Matt got his...a wide band oxygen sensor with data logging capability for his car.

Our Christmas vacation was also accented by a non traditional Christmas activity known as paintball. Annie's boyfriend is quite the paintball enthusiast and played paintball on his dad's land. finding the appropriate camo was not a problem in a military household. Christmas afternoon was spent in the traditional fashion for the DiMarco household, by assembling with 5 other families at the Hay's home. Family friends for the past 15 years or so, the Hays have opened their home for us and others every Christmas since I was in high school, and it is always a fun filled occasion as we catch up, see who is engaged, married, or pregnant, and watch the younger ones growing up. The kids my age have pretty much grown up together, and it is really interesting to see the different directions that everyone is going, and great to get everyone together for occasions like this one.

Christmas was bitter sweet for the DiMarcos. Cassie, Matt's dog, had taken some turns for the worse in the recent weeks. After 15 long wonderful years, we put Cassie to rest the day after Christmas.
We visited my father's place of business at Precilab. He is an analytical chemist and spends his time analyzing chemicals mainly for Texas Instruments.
We had a most enjoyable Christmas and regret not being able to come and visit with you all as well. We made the long trek home and are now relaxing, recouping and enjoying our time together prior to Matt's departure on Jan 5th.


At 6:46 PM, Blogger Wendy said...

Thanks for the pictures, Aud. Welcome home, Matt

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you christmas seemed a little too quiet without all the little-but-loud people. We can't say the same, can we Uncle Donny and Po?? We missed you, Aud and Matt, but are thankful for your safe trip home and your time together.


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