Monday, October 26, 2009

More of Roman

Just working on keeping you updated on Roman and his continued growth and funny faces.

The kitties are trying to find their way in to get attention anyway possible! so they find any open piece of lap and weasel their way in.
Below is the face of a satisfied baby after his meal. Out like a light!

Below is the face of a hungry boy excited for his dinnner. A boy after his momma's heart- loves his food!

He is working on his "lady killer" face below!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Roman Alfonso DiMarco

It all started Tuesday October 6th at 3am. Below I am logging the times of my contractions as I was waiting for the right time to go since I didn't want to go into the hospital and then get sent back home. We left for the hospital around 8:15am and was admitted at 4cm dilated.

Below- I have just been admitted to the hospital and anxiously awaiting our new arrival.

At 3:28 pm Roman Alfonso arrived. He really shocked me and Matt. Matt thought for sure it would be a girl and I thought it would be a long lanky baby who didn't weigh over 7 lbs and here comes a large robust 8 lb 1oz baby boy with a head full of dark hair. I don't think we would have believed he was ours if we didn't actually see him delivered.

Shortly after delivery.
Roman was so bright eyed when he arrived and very alert and active which was really surprising.

Our first walk after delivery. It was a brisk fall day but it was nice to get out and get some fresh air. We are looking fwd to working our way up to jogging but for now a 2 mile walk was quite sufficient.

The Many Faces of Roman. He is always coming up with the most hilarious faces and trying to catch them on camera is a challenge. Here are a few! What a ham. These were all taken within a matter of 15 minutes- he just keeps us laughing.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Roman DiMarco